Where do you go to learn?

Given the choice I would not have gone to “school” to learn.

American Colossus H.W. Brands:

This book teaches history the RIGHT way.

"Robber Barons" is a term used to describe business leaders in the late 19th century who were accused of unethical business practices and monopolistic behavior. Some of the most well-known Robber Barons include Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan.

In 2012 I I asked Gary Vaynerchuk where he goes to learn and get inspiration.

His answer, plain and simple:

“My customers.”

In a recent Zoom call with a prospect I asked him point blank: ”Let’s fast forward a year from now and assume we’ve been working together, what does success look like for you, in terms of what you hope to accomplish with me?”

Work backwards. Figure out what the end looks like and then get it done.

Once you’ve accomplished those things, schedule a call with the client and review what you’ve accomplished.

Then ask now what?