Josh’s Picks

At this very moment life is the best it can possibly be.

Extreme structure might seem like it would create stress as far as sticking to that structure, but in reality it relieves so much stress.

What does your morning routine look like?

Do you wake up at the last possible minute so you barely have time to shower, get dressed, and get to work?

Try changing up that routine.

Get up early and allow yourself the extra time to take your time and start your day doing something you really enjoy.

My routine has got me much more relaxed. My wife has noticed. I react differently. Times in the past that I might have snapped back at her after she just tried to remind me of something she knows is important to me, I know respond calmly and then thank her!

Re-read books. I love when people tell me, “oh yeah I read that book.” I’m normally too polite to say this, but my next thought is often something like, “so how much of it are you actually applying today?”

I bet the honest answer is often “little to none.”

We change. Our perspectives change.

As Josh says, “you never step into the same river twice.”

When I re-read Getting Things Done, I take notes now so I have an “experience” with the book instead of just reading it. and I know exactly how I am applying the knowledge today. This time.


Capture, Clarify, and Organize.

If we don’t have everything we need to remember to do in a system we can trust, our brains will keep serving up reminders (usually at the most inopportune times) and those reminders create stress!

So let’s talk about our favorite apps

The tools we use to capture, clarify and organize everything we need to do, and all of the information we need to do it.

Seth’s Picks

<aside> 🔖 Bookmarks You will see these listed here as well as in the appropriate place within the show notes. This is for easy access 😍



Setting Up The Secret Weapon

Your wiki, docs & projects. Together.

QuickBooks Online

Home - Keeper | One app to run your bookkeeping business.

Nerd Enterprises Clients — Waypoint - #1 Expert DEAR Inventory Implementations

Practice Management Software for Accounting Firms

Optimizing Your Email Workflow A Step By Step Guide with Gmail

Excel vs Google Sheets

Nerd’s Guide To The Galaxy

Process and Workflow Design with Dynalist

Years ago this website showed you how to use David Allen’s GTD method using Evernote

Setting Up The Secret Weapon

Now I would set this up in Notion.

Get Notion:

Your wiki, docs & projects. Together.

Our brains don’t work in a linear format.

MIMO: Multiple Inputs, Multiple Outputs

Our brains work in the dimensions of time and space.

So we want a way to organize things according to both.

Using a Daily Journal to document all of our work throughout the day in one place gives us the timeline.

Then putting these things in their permanent location and linking everything - peppering your journal with links, gives you the context of Space, as in “The Client’s Notes etc…”

My mantra:

“If I can’t find it in 30 seconds or less no matter how long it’s been, then it’s not organized and it needs to be fixed.”