And we’re off!! … Like a herd of turtles…

Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century (Think and Grow Rich Series)

Michael Jordan did not get to where he did by practicing balance.

He put an overwhelming portion of his life into his craft.

Malcom Gladwell:

The Tipping Point



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You have to put in your 10,000 hours to become a master.

According to the "10,000 Hour Rule" popularized by Malcolm Gladwell's book "Outliers," it takes approximately 10,000 hours of practice to become a master at something. Assuming that someone devotes 40 hours per week to a particular activity, it would take them approximately 4.8 years to accumulate 10,000 hours of practice in that activity. This means that consistent effort over a significant period of time is required to achieve mastery in any given field.

If someone is willing to put in 60 hours per week, they may be able to accumulate the necessary 10,000 hours of practice in their field in approximately 3.2 years. However, it is important to remember that balance is still necessary for overall well-being and productivity. It may be possible to find a balance between hustle and balance, where you can reach great heights without risking burnout.

Steve Jobs Said Your Overall Happiness in Life Really Comes Down to Asking 3 Simple Questions